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Video seorang wanita paruh baya yang lehernya dirantai ke dinding memicu kritik di Tiongkok. Banyak orang mempertanyakan tentang penanganan bagi penderita penyakit mental di sana. Video tersebut menunjukkan wanita paruh baya tersebut dirantai dan menggunakan pakaian yang tidak layak di tengah cuaca dingin. Isu yang berkembang di media sosial, wanita tersebut merupakan korban perdagangan manusia, namun pihak kepolisian membantah hal itu. Mereka mengatakan wanita tersebut dilaporkan sering melakukan kekerasan terhadap anak-anak dan orang tua. _________________ The video of a middle-aged woman chained to a wall has sparked criticism in China, with people questioning how the mentally ill are being treated there. The video shows the middle-aged woman in chains and wearing inappropriate clothes in the cold weather. The issue that developed on social media was that the woman was a victim of human trafficking, although the police denied this. They said that the woman were frequently reported to be violent against children and the elderly. #SEAToday #SEATodayNews #Jakarta #Indonesia #China #mentalhealth #mentalillness #penyakitmental You can watch SEA Today on IndiHome Interactive TV, Usee TV GO app, www.useetv.com, Maxstream app, SEA Today app, YouTube SEA Today News, and website www.seatoday.com, vidio.com, MyRepublic service, and Mola TV Don't forget to subscribe, leave comments and share this video https://www.youtube.com/SEATodayNews Stay connected - follow us on all our social media platforms! https://www.instagram.com/seatodaynews/ https://twitter.com/seatodaynews https://www.facebook.com/seatodaynews
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