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The Hanging Tree is not a movie listed among the greatest 20th century Westerns, but I think it deserves reconsideration as such. This video reviews and briefly analyzes the movie, showing you why you might want to try The Hanging Tree. Delmer Daves directs. Starring Gary Cooper, Karl Malden, and George C. Scott. All reasonable comments welcome, including reasoned disagreements. You will be banned for foolish talk, harassment, and hate speech on sight; it's a tremendous waste of life. Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrJoshMatthews Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/joshmatthews/ Understanding Movies 101 Course: https://joshmatthews.org/learn-more-about-movies-a-short-video-course/ The Great Movies Series: https://joshmatthews.org/what-makes-this-movie-great-list-of-videos/ Comprehensive List of the Great Movies Series: https://joshmatthews.org/what-makes-this-movie-great-list-of-videos/ Movie Cliches Series -- Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBCXFM1qmj4u0026list=PLquDk-0vrxQNzWRPxl6YbaBzw-bRJBPLf The Great Directors Series -- Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ChqM-3knDsu0026list=PLquDk-0vrxQOWCMKjyqX-3G8s2odUi1u3 Shot for Shot Analyses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syos3JN41mMu0026list=PLquDk-0vrxQNU6bwNhew_H-X8FAZ86LxM Great Science-Fiction Movie List: https://joshmatthews.org/great-science-fiction-movies-and-tv/ Other Movie Lists: https://joshmatthews.org/topics/movie-lists/
The Hanging Tree -- Why This Movie is a Forgotten Classic (Episode 1)The Hanging Tree -- Why This Movie is a Forgotten Classic (Episode 1)The Hanging Tree -- Why This Movie is a Forgotten Classic (Episode 1)The Hanging Tree -- Why This Movie is a Forgotten Classic (Episode 1)
The Hanging Tree -- Why This Movie is a Forgotten Classic (Episode 1)